M Blog

M Blog – Vintage Leedy & Deagan Instruments

Do you have a question about a vintage Leedy or Deagan Instrument? It could be a question about the history of Deagan or Leedy or perhaps a query about an instrument you've found that you may want to sell, or even a request for more information on a vintage Deagan or Leedy such as a: xylophone, marimba, marimbaphone, xylorimba, glockenspiel, chimes, vibraphone, timpani, sound effects, novelty instruments, pipe organ bars or catalogues. You may have encountered a brand that you aren't familiar with like Jenco, Galanti vibraphonette, E. R. Street, Wurlitzer, George Stone, Jähne & Boruvka or Spenke & Metzl. Whether you need help with a problem you are having, how to price an item or find parts, post a comment here and Shannon Wood, Founder & CEO of MalletShop, will answer back here.

Shannon Wood founded MalletShop in 1997 and is often hired to appraise vintage mallet percussion instruments by symphonies, schools, auction houses and individuals. Shannon is currently the Principal Timpanist of the St. Louis Symphony. He has a thorough knowledge of these instruments and has a passion for collecting and preserving their legacy.


Cameron McHenry
Monday, March 3rd, 2025, 1:26:51 AM
I have a JC Deagan 1512 glockenspiel I am interested in selling. If you are interested in buying, let me know. Thank you
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Cameron, we'll reach out to you. Best - sw
Brandon Madison
Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, 4:00:01 PM
Hello I am gonna send picture of an antique orchestral bells. Was wondering if you could give any information on it as there are no markings. My phone number is (812) 431-xxxx. Thanks so much
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Brandon thank you for contacting us and sharing the images.
Steve Hobbs
Friday, January 3rd, 2025, 7:54:22 PM
Hi Shannon, I have a 40s model digging Viber phone with graduated bars. Miller saw me performing at the jazz showcase in the 1980s and autographed side panel to Steve right on milk Jackson. Are you interested in seeing pictures of the instrument and giving me an estimate on what you think it
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Steve - thank you for contacting us. Sure, send us photos! Email is info@malletshop.com
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025, 3:49:06 PM
Hey Shannon, I’m planning on donating three mallet instruments to a local school but need to have them appraised first. Please DM me with details. Thanks, Marc
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Marc, sure Email us directly at info@mallletshop.com best - sw
Jennifer Metzger
Sunday, December 22nd, 2024, 9:00:27 PM
We have a set of Deagan chimes at our high school (Bowling Green, OH) that has several cracked tubes. One in particular (E4) is completely "dead". Would this be something that can be repaired? Do you do repairs? If not, who do you suggest? If so, what is the best way to get accurate information (photos, etc.) to you for a quote?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Jennifer, sure, email us directly at info@malletshop.com Send photos as well. -sw
Amber Watkins
Thursday, November 28th, 2024, 4:14:18 AM
Hello, I'm working on repairing a Leedy marimba (I think it's a no.641). One problem I've come across is that the rubber on the wheels is chunks missing out of it and it making it difficult to move. Do you have any recommendations for replacement parts? (genuine or non-genuine) Best wishes, Amber
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Amber thanks for contacting us. You can email us directly at info@malletshop.com and we might be able to get you rubber tires.
Randal Roan
Wednesday, November 27th, 2024, 4:07:38 PM
I have an Indianapolis and an Elkhart 4 octave Leedy Marimba. I’m looking for replacement wheels for each as the old rubber is shot. Is that something you can assist or direct me with? Thank you!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Randal, thanks for contacting us. Email us directly at info@malletshop.com We may be able to get you rubber tires.
Wendy McNeill
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024, 2:13:44 AM
Hello I’ve inherited my father’s vintage Leeds Vibraphones. I think 1930-1940’s. I can’t find a model or serial number. If you could offer help with this I would appreciate it. Thank you Wendy
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Wendy, sure, email us directly at info@malletshop.com Send us a photo of the instrument and we can likely identify it for you! - sw
Saturday, September 7th, 2024, 10:45:12 PM
How can I find the manufacturer of vintage metal xylophone?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello, thanks for contacting us. Email us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll help you identify it. - sw
Tuesday, July 30th, 2024, 9:43:20 PM
Found Deagan Electravibe 515 at a giveaway event. It’s missing the pedal, rod and legs - any idea where i might be able to find these items? I’m keen to restore it.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Jack, thanks for contacting us. Yes we can likely help you out. I'll send you an email directly - sw
Vic marsilio
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024, 2:22:05 PM
Shannon I have a Wurlitzer Glockenspiel at least one 30 notes if you're interested in that I also have a Wurlitzer xylophone I believe that's 30 notes and a few other words are percussions let me know if you're interested I need to move these out thank you. Please call 330-651-0451
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Vic - yes could you send us photos at info@malletshop.com and let us know the width of the bars, as well as the thickness. If you know the range C5-C8 for an example, that would be helpful too. If you do not know the range, send us an audio file or the lowest and highest note or the length of those two bars. Thank you - sw
BJ Marks
Sunday, July 21st, 2024, 3:09:06 AM
I have a Leedy 641 xylophone -were all of these made with the same wood? If so, do you know what wood it is?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI BJ - the bars are likely Honduran Rosewood. Hope this helps.
Kim Kirkham
Sunday, June 23rd, 2024, 3:53:59 PM
Hi, We have Deagon 1103 Vibraphone - wondering how we can tell what year it was made? We are also looking for an approx. value please. I sent pictures to the email address info@malletshop.com Thank you
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Kim, the 1103 was made in the mid 1970's. Value is based on condition. I'll respond to you by email. Best - sw
Sandy Morgan
Thursday, June 13th, 2024, 5:27:59 PM
Hello. I have a Deagan 4720 for sale in Ozark County MO. Comes with cover and mallets. I am not sure of the value or best way to sell it. Any help would be appreciated.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Sandy - you can email us photos at info@malletshop.com Best - sw
Ray Spiegel
Saturday, May 4th, 2024, 7:14:03 PM
I want to give my Musser M75 vibraphone a complete cleaning. The metal cleaner I have (Flitz) says not to be used on Electroplated metal. Are the metal parts on a 1967 M 75 electroplated?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Ray, Musser lacquered the bars in the 50's and then changed over to anodized bars in the 60's so your bars were likely anodized.
Bryan Ames
Thursday, April 25th, 2024, 7:02:09 PM
I was gifted a set of E.R. Street rosewood marimba bars (4 octave set). Looking for a frame these may have went on.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Bryan, thanks for contacting us. We can have a frame made for you, but the early frames were either an accordion style rack or L bar rack.
Stephen R.
Friday, April 12th, 2024, 10:53:01 PM
Hello, I have a Deagan 512 Vibraharp. Recently was adjusting the height of the pedal bar and afterwards I noticed a clicking sound. The sound is coming from the hook screw attached to the damper bumping against the metal plate it runs passes through. I tried tightening the washer (has red felt on it) both up and down on the hook screw and the clicking still happens. I am looking for help understanding how to push the pedal down without the screw hitting the metal plate. Any ideas on how to remedy this?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Stephen, can you send us a video of this to our email info@malletshop.com - thank you sw
Craig Owens
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, 3:13:55 PM
Hey I have a 4 octave Leedy instrument and trying to find some info about it....The bars are 7/8" thick and 2" wide. None graduated from C to C. The frame is metal with metal bar supports and the keys lay flat like a set of vibes. The resonators are caped and nickel over brass. All A notes have Leedy on them but no model #. Thanks for your time!!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Craig, thanks for contacting us. Can you send us photos? info@malletshop.com - thanks sw
Mallory T
Friday, March 8th, 2024, 7:26:57 PM
Hi, I have recently purchased a Leedy Marimbanette (#5643). It's a bit hard to find information about it online and I would love to know more about its history, when it was made, how rare it is, ect. It's 2 octaves and can be folded in half to be put into a case. I'd love any information I could get on it. Let me know if you need pictures of it. I would also like recommendations for how to take care of it if you have any. Namely, what kind of cover I should use as mine did not come with a case and how I should store it. I would like to store it folded if possible since that would save a lot of space, but I don't want to damage it by setting it on the wrong side. I know that it is not recommended to set things on top of a marimba because it could damage it and I worry the weight of itself on the keys would damage them. Would you have a recommendation for what part should go on the bottom when I set it down? Thank you!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mallory, I'll email you a photo for the 1949 catalogue and answer your questions directly. Thanks for contacting us.
Monday, February 12th, 2024, 9:40:35 PM
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Doris, thanks for contacting us. I'll get back to you directly re: your photos.
Kurt Herman Schleunes
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024, 12:41:54 AM
I’m looking for a Deagan 4 octave vibraphone. Very rare.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Kurt, we came across one a bit ago. If we come across another, I'll reach out to you.
Thursday, December 21st, 2023, 8:52:41 PM
I have a Leedy Solo-Tone Marimba, Model 5610, 3.5 octave (F to C) - 44 bars. It has marine pearl on the front, back, and ends of a wooden frame. It has a rich tone and is in great shape. I am looking to sell it, but I see prices all over the map, and I'm not sure what is a reasonable asking price.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Gary, you can email us directly at info@malletshop.com and we'll help valuate your instrument.
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023, 6:07:44 PM
Value of a 4 octave Deagan Unafon in excellent condition and spare solenoids?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Jerry, thanks for contacting us. Can you send us photos? Has it been re-tuned? You can email us at info@malletshop.com
Rachael Balcom
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023, 12:49:15 AM
I need replacement parts for a Deagan Vibraharp, seril #27405. I am at a rural high school in Alaska. I need to replace the pedal and hardware for the pedal to attach it to the instrument, and I also need to replace the motor knob on the top of the instrument. Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Rachael, I'll send you an email with instructions on how to obtain those parts. Thanks for contacting us! - sw
Alana Joos
Friday, September 15th, 2023, 8:59:14 PM
Hello there --- I have a vintage Deagan 870 xylophone that I would like to sell. The metal frame is original and I honestly think it needs to be rebuilt. The bars are in excellent condition and so are the resonators. The wood rail is mostly good and the posts sit firmly in place. The ends of the wood rail need to be rebuilt. The rubber on the posts needs to be replaced. I would like to know how to sell this instrument, please. Thank you.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Alana, thanks for contacting us. I'll email you directly and see if we can help you out! Best - sw
Monday, August 14th, 2023, 6:35:01 AM
I recently bought a Deagan 730 xylorimba. Overall it's in very good shape, but it's missing one post. I'm having trouble finding a replacement. Would you happen to know where I might be able to find one?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Sarah, we'd be happy to help. Email us at info@malletshop.com and we'll help set you up with a replacement part. - sw
Pam A.
Sunday, July 23rd, 2023, 3:17:16 PM
I have a Leedy case vibraphone. We are interested in selling but don’t know much about the instrument.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Pam, thanks for contacting us. Email us directly at info@malletshop.com and send us photos and your location. We'll see if we can either buy it outright, or service it and list it for you on consignment. Best - sw
Johnny Powers
Saturday, July 1st, 2023, 4:12:29 PM
I have a Leedy Model 641 marimba. One of the D natural bars has an internal crack. I was hoping someone might have a lead on a replacement bar. Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Johnny, we can easily repair that bar for you. Email us at info@malletshop.com - sw
Thursday, May 4th, 2023, 11:11:51 PM
I have a pair of instruments I was hoping to get any info on. One is a Deagan 730 Model A. I'm curious as to what year it is most likely from to help pin down the age. The other is a late 50's Ajax Elizabethan Vibraphone. I can't find much info on it and was wondering if I could find more here. Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Brian, our site has a "Deagan Archival" which has most of the models listed, their year manufactured, and other pertinent information. The 730 is a Xylorimba (xylophone in upper range / marimba in lower range. They are more novelty than useful. Boulez wrote for this instrument, but for the larger extended range models. Pit percussionists find them useful if they need both sounds but have limited space, assuming the range works for the score. Look under the 'hamburger' menu icon, top right corner of home page. Ajax were manufactured by Boosey & Hawkes in London, England in the later-mid 1900's. Some of their frames resembled Leedy frames. They're not as popular as Deagan / Leedy / Musser but they are good instruments. Feel free to send us photos - info@malletshop.com - if you need more assistance evaluating it. -sw
Pete Pemberton
Monday, May 1st, 2023, 11:44:47 AM
Hey Shannon, I am searching for legs for a Musser M48 Pro Traveler. Prefer gold but will take what I can find. I have all other parts. Ludwig won’t have them until at least September. I’ve had them on order since January but the local shop botched the order and they missed out on grabbing the only set they had. Thanks for any help or leads. Next is having them made locally…. Pete near Cincinnati
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Pete, thanks for contacting us. We have a set of 1980's Musser legs in stock. These are a very hard plastic (not aluminum) Musser designed and offered at that time on this model. We ordered aluminum legs from Musser for our customer who preferred metal legs. If you'd like these, email us at info@malletshop.com - sw
Jeanette Schaefer
Saturday, April 29th, 2023, 3:30:43 PM
I am trying to re-string a 1950's Jenco Vibraharp. I am looking for a source for the little "o-ring" type spacers that go on each side of the pin post between each key. Have you used these? Can you help find a source? I can send picture if it would help.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Jeanette, we can help you with those. I'll email you directly. Best - sw
Friday, April 21st, 2023, 12:37:42 AM
Good evening, I am in possession of a Deagan Aurora 1100 and am wondering the best way to go about selling it. It is in need of a belt, bar cord, and post isolators. The motor is still working. I would appreciate any advise. Thank you.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello April, thank you for contacting us. You can email us directly at info@malletshop.com and we can help you sell it or either buy it outright to service/restore and sell on our site.
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, 6:52:38 PM
I need to find the insurance value of my JC Deagan zylophone-marimba model 4724 that has been in the family over 80 years. Thankyou
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Jacqueline, thanks for contacting us. We do offer appraisals with official company letterhead if needed, otherwise we can give you an estimate range by email if you send us photos, description of condition and report of any work done in the past on it, including re-tuning. Email us at info@malletshop.com - best sw
Sunday, February 12th, 2023, 1:45:34 AM
Hello! I just bought a 1930's Leedy 5610 Solo-Tone marimba. Im trying to find white replacement post isolators. Any chance of those being available these days? Thanks for you help!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Mike, thank you for contacting us. Yes I'll email you directly re: acquiring these. Best - sw
Emilio Guerra IV
Tuesday, January 10th, 2023, 10:49:41 PM
Hello, I work in a motor repair shop and a customer brought in his motor from his Deagan 510 vibraphone and the worm drive on the armature is worn out and so is the worm gear in the gear box. Is there anything that is available to replace the set up so the customer can get his vibraphone working again? I will most likely just be passing the information to the customer and having them contact you if you know of a work around. Thank you
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Emilio, yes email us at info@malletshop.com and we can help you out! -sw
Rebecca Smith
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022, 11:23:48 PM
Hello, My son purchased a vintage 4 octave Deacon marimba about 15 yrs ago (he.learned to play marimba in hos highschool band). Cherry or rosewood on metal frame. The frame needs new felt and some general refurbishing. Would you have any suggestions of where to have this done?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Rebecca - thanks for contacting us. Yes we can help you out. Shoot us an email at info@malletshop.com and we'll get you the parts you need. - sw
Tommy Embrich
Sunday, November 20th, 2022, 10:55:40 PM
Hello! I am the owner of a beautifully vintage, 3-octave Jenco vibraphone. I am curious to know what year this instrument was made, but I cannot seem to find any serial number lookups for Jenco or Grover Jenkins Co. online. Would you all happen to know where to find such database? The serial number for my instrument is: B05462064. Thanks for your time!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Tommy - thanks for contacting us. Jenco made instruments in the 50-60's. There are not any records to check serial numbers, but it would be a mid-century era instrument. Hope this helps! - sw
Peter Gothold
Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, 11:52:16 PM
Hi, I just acquired a Leedy 5642 2.5 octave marimba and am looking for info about pricing. The guy I got it from said it was a xylophone, but it is a C4-F6, which I think isn't high enough for a xylophone, though my memory is fuzzy on that. I'm having a hard time finding pricing on it, and would love help. It has the folding metal stand and original case. It's in good condition. Thanks for your help!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Peter, thanks for contacting us. That is a marimba. Pricing/value really depends on condition. If you have photos, email them to us at info@malletshop.com - best sw
Ron Casey
Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, 9:30:05 PM
Hello, I have a Deagan 510 Vibra-harp. Been in the family for years. The serial # is 1031. Frame is in "fair" condition. Motor is good but missing some of the peddle pieces. I would like to see someone restore it. Bars are all there and good. Is this something you would be interested in? Thank you
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Ron, thanks for contacting us. Sure, email us photos and we'll go from there. (info@malletshop.com) Best - sw
Friday, September 2nd, 2022, 7:10:01 PM
Greetings, i have a set of polished brass Deagan church chimes that the finish has become a bit cloudy and dirty. What do you recommend to clean and polish them with? Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Charles, any non-abrasive metal cleaner that doesn't have any harmful chemicals such as Flitz would work. Hope this helps!
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022, 7:37:28 PM
Was wondering if you ca tell me anything about W.Dorn mallets?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Nico - Billy Dorn (William Dorn) mallets were made in the earlier part of the 20th century. They are nice mallets. I have a few pair. Hope this helps! -sw
Thom Martin
Monday, August 1st, 2022, 4:00:24 PM
Hi there! I acquired a 5 octave Leedy Xylorimba this weekend. The previous owner recently had the bars tuned by Salazar, so they sound good. The frame is pretty rough though (sags in the middle) and there are a handful of loose resonators in the bass end. I haven't been able to find much info at all about this instrument other than an article by Bob Becker from 2005 on the Nexus website in which he mentions he's only ever seen and played one of these. Just trying to learn more about what I've got and what sort of return on my investment I might look forward to. Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Thom - thank you for contacting us. Can you email us some photos? (info@malletshop.com). Also, let us know the model number. You can find it engraved on the low bar, as well as stamped on the ends of the resonators and end pieces on the inside. - sw
Kyle Adam
Thursday, July 14th, 2022, 2:06:02 PM
I found a vintage deagen no. 30 Vibra phone in a travel case in my parents basement and wanted to know what it is worth and if it needed repairs if I should try and repair it. Looking to sell it but need the right buyer.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Kyle: please email us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll take a look at its condition and give you a ballpark value. We might be interested in buying it outright for restoration / resale as well. Best - sw
Carlos Vera Larrucea
Thursday, June 30th, 2022, 2:09:27 PM
Hi, I recently own a Deagan Aurora Vibes. It came without a motor! Can you help me with that!? Thanks
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Carlos, thanks for contacting us. Yes, email us at info@malletshop.com and we'll get you set up with one. Best - sw
Steve B
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022, 11:41:07 AM
Hi! I have what I believe to be a Model 500 Deagan Dinner Call. Are there any resources for parts for these old chimes?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Steve, send us an email at info@malletshop.com and I'll see what we might have for you. Best - sw
Eileen Rossetti
Thursday, June 9th, 2022, 2:59:15 PM
Hi, I have a 2 octave (f-f) Leedy tabletop xylophone No. 5638. The chromatic bars are on a separate resonator box. Can you tell me anything about this? Thanks, Eileen
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Eileen, thanks for contacting us. Could you send us photos at info@malletshop.com as well as the bar width (1" or 1 1/4" wide etc). I'll check our catalogues and see what I can dig up for you.
John McCutcheon
Thursday, May 5th, 2022, 2:11:51 PM
Dear Shannon, I'm on the hunt for two Ludwig 3rd wheels (P1423) for my Pro Symphonics. I've discovered they're discontinued but wondered if you had any as leftover stock? If not could you point me in the direction of someone who would be able to locate a couple? I've looked on sites like Steve Weiss but all get is "product discontinued." Here's keeping my fingers crossed. Kind regards and best wishes, John
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello John, thanks for using our M-Blog. Try pctimpani.com or fallspercussion.com - They may have some Ludwig third wheels. You can also check with Weiss to see if the newer third wheels will work. A later generation Yamaha third wheel work on earlier models. Best - sw
Pamela Kirch
Saturday, April 30th, 2022, 11:58:53 AM
Hi, I have an old xylophone that I believe was a traveling one in two heavy cases. I believe it needs re-stringing, or whatever you call it! Are you interested in it?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Pamela. Thank you for contacting us. Yes, please email us photos, your location, and the model number if known. It should be engraved on the lowest (longest) wooden tone bar. Thank you, Shannon
Paul Dowling
Friday, April 15th, 2022, 5:47:11 PM
I have a set of Deacon Special Orchestra Bells, catalogue number 1428, serial number 25770. Middle G and high F Bells missing. Original case with wear, no mallets or hold down stick. I'm not sure if you are interested in instruments from Canada or have a recommendation for a dealer near me in Ontario.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Paul, yes we do buy outright for restoration / resale on our site. Please send us photos and we'll go from there. Just email them to info@malletshop.com Thanks for reaching out! - sw
Friday, April 1st, 2022, 9:49:36 PM
I have an old set of Deagan chimes that work. All I can see on it is Deagan and Chicago on the side of the wood damper box. Any idea what this is worth?
Shannon Wood's Response:Thanks for contacting us. Are the tubes 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" in diameter? What's the range... 1.5 octave C-F? Are the tubes brass or chrome plated? Is the dampner box working? Are there any cracks in the caps? Do you have photos? Feel free to email us back re: these questions / photos. Thanks - sw
Cassandra Lane
Saturday, March 26th, 2022, 6:06:12 PM
We have a vibraharp 510 in great condition. It needs a belt and updated wires from the switch to the plug in but it does work. It is serial number 6376. We are looking for an estimate and would be interested in selling. We have 17 W. Dorn mallets (7 sets and 3 singles) that go with it as well and they’re also in good condition.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Cassandra - thank you for contacting us. Please email us photos at info@malletshop.com We'll talk you through a possible consignment selling process or purchasing it outright. Thanks - sw
Thursday, March 24th, 2022, 12:20:06 AM
Hi Great Blog! I have an 844 'Drummer's Special". Sounds fabulous. In what years was this model made? Kind regards
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Rod, thank you for visiting our Blog! The No. 844 was manufactured in the 1920's. It's tilt-able which made it ideal for vaudeville pit work since it could be set up near a drum set and angled so the drummer could remain at the kit and play other necessary percussion instruments. -sw
Dustin Mallory
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022, 5:55:23 AM
There’s an old Leedy marimba at the university I teach at. I’m curious to know more about it/how old it is. The lowest bar has the Leedy stamp and says Tuning Pat. 1632751. Below that in larger numbers it reads 5614A
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Dustin, thanks for contacting us. The Leedy 5614A is from the 1930's. We have one on our site currently. Hope this helps, -sw
Wes Threlkeld
Thursday, January 20th, 2022, 2:34:48 AM
I recently acquired a Deagan xylophone, stamped on the lowest key is “Deagan Drummers No 840 “Lite Wate” Xylophone” It is 3 octaves. I’m interested in learning as much as I can about it, the higher keys don’t seem to make much sound
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Wes, the No. 840 is a Professional Drummers' Xylophone 3 C-C with 1 1/4"x3/4" Honduran rosewood bars manufactured between 1929-32 and sports a Tilting device so drummers can set it up next to their kit. Feel free to email us if you have any other questions - info@malletshop.com - sw
Michael Bennett
Tuesday, January 11th, 2022, 10:14:57 PM
I have a 3 1/2 octave Leedy marimba I think from the 30's. Can you help me identify it ? Thanks, Mike
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Michael, send us a photo and well see what we can do. -sw
Rick Altman
Saturday, December 18th, 2021, 10:00:41 PM
I just received a Deagan Aurora 1000. It has the small pedal. I am looking for the wing nut that locks the upper portion of the pedal to the cross tube and keeps the pedal from swiveling. also, do you sell the gold trim pieces that go around the end boards? Do you repair the motors? Thank you, Rick Altman
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Rick, thank for contacting us. Yes we can help you with those items. I''ll send you a separate email. Best - sw
Richard A Barchman
Thursday, November 25th, 2021, 4:03:37 PM
I have a Deagan marimba that I believe is a model 40 (indicated on the largest bar) the serial number is 1143. I know that model was built between 1939 and 1942 but would like to know more based on the serial number as well as the value of the instrument. The travel cases are well worn and show some water damage, but the instrument is in excellent shape.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Richard, thanks for contacting us. The serial numbers do not give us any information since those company books are long gone, however once we know its condition, we can better help you value it. Emails us at info@malletshop.com - best sw
Monday, October 25th, 2021, 6:12:02 AM
I have a Deagan xylophone (or marimba?) and I'm having trouble figuring exactly what model/era it is! There doesn't seem to be a model number on it, but there is serial number: 22052. Any idea what instrument it is? By the materials and black stand, it would seem to be one of the later models. Thanks for your help!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Garren, thanks for contacting us. If you can, email us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll see if we can determine what you have. Thanks - sw
Melissa Workman
Sunday, September 26th, 2021, 4:32:25 AM
I have a Leedy Manufacturing Co. Case. I don't have the instrument that goes in the case and frankly don't know what instrument even goes inside? I need any information I can get on it if possible?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Melissa, I received your photos via info@malletshop.com - Thank you for contacting us. It looks like you have a Leedy snare drum case, or possibly a tom-tom case. In either 'case' lol, it holds a drum: snare or tom-tom. These were made in the early 1900's, and are vulcanized fiber. Hope this helps! Best, Shannon
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021, 5:30:21 PM
Thanks for info about the Leedy bars. Dad was an amateur percussionist (had his own drum set and the bells). My brother and I were the only kids in our school who grew up knowing what a hemidemisemiquaver was!! :) Since dad has died, I've been hanging on to the Leedy bells, in case his great-grandsons had an interest. That's not happening & I should try to sell and split that money (they are all college-age now!) I live in rural Ohio (nearest big city 90 miles) so I hesitate on how to sell/even what to expect someone would pay. If I text you the pictures, can you help in that regard? I have the pics on my phone and am not sure how to get those over to email , so texting would be my choice. Thank you in advance for your advise
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Pam, definitely, just send us an email info@malletshop.com and I'll reply back with a number to text - best sw
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021, 12:58:06 AM
My dad had a set of Leedy bells (xylophone?) with 25 bars circa 1920's. Do those bars contain silver?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Pam, the bars do not contain silver. They are made from steel. Hope this helps, - sw
Kristen Watters
Wednesday, September 1st, 2021, 3:36:37 PM
I have a Leedy vibraphone that was donated to my band. I have looked up the number on the motor and the motor was patented in 1928. The only number I can find on the instrument is "425". Can you help me figure out how old it is?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Kristen, can you send us photos? 425 sounds more like a serial number. We'll be happy to help identify what you have. -sw
Austin Owen
Friday, August 13th, 2021, 3:51:20 AM
I just got a deagan no.555 vibra-harp that needs some love. Mainly: new damper felt, rubber bushings, a few metal disks on the resonators, drive belt and recommended cleaning supplies/practices. I have fully restored many vintage instruments in my recording studio and look forward to this project but unfortunately can’t find as much info about this project. Any advice would be appreciated.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Austin, thanks for contacting us. You can email us directly at info@malletshop.com and we'll take care of you. - sw
Saturday, July 24th, 2021, 1:41:17 AM
My son purchased a vintage Leedy & Ludwig vibraphone that is possibly from the 40's, but we'd like to find out some more details. It is in nice shape, but needs some TLC. I've done some looking, but haven't found any model/serial number, with the exception of the motor (Bodine Electric Company). Is there any special place the model/serial might be hiding? Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Marty, Thanks for contacting us. Bodine is the motor manufacturing company. You might find a model number on the tag along with a serial number, otherwise a photo might help us determine what you have. Can you email a photo to us - info@malletshop.com
Alessandra Lanaro
Sunday, July 18th, 2021, 2:39:45 PM
I would like to know how to care for the keys. They aren’t in rough shape but would possibly need to be restore the keys? Thank you
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Alessandra: If you just want to clean them, use lemon oil once a year and during the rest of the year a damp cotton cloth. If you would like to refinish them, you should have a professional bar tuner refinish them since it will also affect the tuning. - sw
Cheryl Nelson
Wednesday, June 16th, 2021, 10:35:54 PM
I have a 1940s era 4 octave marimba. It is a marimba that is easily taken down and was used by a music teacher for many years until a student purchased it. So it has had two owners. It is in good condition, but I don’t know how to get a valuation on such a unique instrument. Can you help?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Cheryl, sure happy to help. Send us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll help you identify the model and value based on condition. Thanks - sw
Desiree Edwards
Wednesday, June 16th, 2021, 9:07:17 PM
Hello I have a 1926 deagan 4720. Would u be interested in purchasing it ??
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Desiree, thanks for contacting us. Can you email us photos of your Deagan No. 4720? This will help us with determining value. Thanks - sw
Gina Vinz
Friday, May 14th, 2021, 3:26:51 PM
I acquired a Leedy and Ludwig 4.3 octave marimba. It’s in fairly decent shape - bars are in tact, resonators are not dented but could be polished up, frame and posts need some attention. I’m looking for any information on its value and how to go about getting it repaired. Thank you.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Gina - thanks for contacting us. Email us photos and we'll happy to help you identify its value and direct you in repairing your marimba. - sw
Friday, May 14th, 2021, 1:52:49 AM
I just purchased a Leedy 145 vibraharp and it’s going to need some TLC to bring it back to life. I know that 4 of the keys are corroded and will need replacing. I’m sure there are other parts it will need and would like to know if you guys have access to parts for this model.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI David: was this the Ebay listing by FallCreek Marimba? That instrument will need a complete restoration. The bars that are corroded will need to be re-fabricated as you point out. Any unavailable parts will need to be fabricated. It may need a new motor. You can email us directly at info@malletshop.com and we'll go from there. Best - sw
Robin Webster
Monday, April 26th, 2021, 6:27:40 PM
Have just retrieved a No 807 xylophone from some old starage. The keys are in excellent shape but it needs a little TLC with some parts missing. The cord is broken and deterioated with some spcers (6 small and 6Large) as well as part of the felt damper is missing. Also it has only 1 mallet. Can you advise how to go about repairing and getting the parts needed. Ido not have a serial No. but there is a brass type metal attached giving a whole bunch of dates for patents. Mant thanks, Robin
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Robin, thanks for contacting us. You can email us at info@malletshop.com and we can help you with getting the parts you need. - sw
Rachel Anthony-Rowlands
Sunday, April 4th, 2021, 3:23:52 PM
I have a Leedy made Hawkes & Son Solo Tone from 1925. No 2146. I was wondering if it was a re-badged 660 or was it made for the UK market?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Rachel - send us photos and we can get a better look at your instrument. Leedy to sub-contract other companies as did a number of other known manufacturers. - sw
Dan Fetters
Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, 7:59:24 PM
I have a Deagan #807 that's been disassembled in my garage for the last 20 years (came from a pawn shop in Chicago). I have many questions but very few answers. Anyway, I'm attempting to reassemble the instrument and believe I have everything but the damper felt. Is this material available or do I need to fabricate it myself? It has chamfered edges and is about 1/4" wide at the top. Thanks, Dan.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Dan, send us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll be happy to help. -sw
Martin Gladman
Friday, March 26th, 2021, 5:45:53 PM
Hello Shannon, I have a 5 octave Marimba/xylophone made by E.R. Street that starts 1 octave below middle C. It was owned by C.F. Thiele who was a prominent figure in Band music in Ontario, Canada in the early 20th century. I have done a youtube to share images and history of this instrument with the world as I am aware that it is quite rare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pkv8DNCpfA&t=92s I am wondering if this instrument is possibly a "one of a kind", does it have tuned partials, was the case made by E.R. Street, and would appreciate any other information that an expert like yourself could provide to me. Thanks, Martin
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Martin, thanks for contacting us. Can you send us some photos of what you have? Best - sw
Monday, March 22nd, 2021, 4:46:18 PM
Hi, what is the approximate weight of a Deagan 870 Xylophone?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello S.V. - each 870 was handmade so they vary slightly but the basic A frame 870 measures around 36.25" from floor to top of naturals. We can customize heights if you're looking for something taller. - sw
James Calabrese
Saturday, March 20th, 2021, 8:01:14 PM
Trying to identify the model Deagan vibraphone serial #17937 Engraved Deagan No 512 on lowest F 3 octave F to F Has a steel frame with 2 locking wheels The front and sides have a swirly thin white circles on black
Shannon Wood's Response:HI James, thanks for contacting us. The No. 512 is a "Performer" model bars 3/8-1 1/4x1/2 manufactured from 1964-76. Similar to the 511 but saw a design change. Hope this helps - sw
Wednesday, March 17th, 2021, 6:47:21 AM
Hi I’m interested in sound design for film and looking for an old vibraphone with a sound like in old suspense and horror movies. I’ve noticed some have fans which are out of phase with each other which gives it a more spacey sound. What brands/models would you recommend for this? Thanks in advance
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Mike - I'll email you directly. We have a few possibilities for you. - sw
Nancy Garza
Monday, March 15th, 2021, 10:10:53 PM
Mr. Wood - I am the retired director of the Saint Charles (MO) Municipal Band. A member has donated a a 1950's? Jenco Vibraphone. We have used it successfully in past years. Several years ago one of our percussionists purchased his own set. In the meantime several wires to the motor were pulled loose/cut. I would like reattach or replace the motor at a minimum cost. Any thoughts on this? Thank you - Nancy Garza
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Nancy, I'll email you directly to address your concerns.
Heather Rice
Thursday, March 11th, 2021, 5:31:50 PM
Hi I've come across a Deagan Jr. No. 800 xylophone. I can't seem to find any information on this instrument. Can you help?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Heather, - sure send us photos and we'll be happy to help.
Julie Crouse
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021, 9:39:15 PM
I am purchasing a Deagan 860 Xylophone and the B has a clean break. What is the best way to Appiah fixing the key? Do you have suggestions? Thank you so much!!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Julie: If there is a crack in a bar we break it (clean break) and then re-glue it using a vice. Hope that helps! Best, - sw
john stebal
Sunday, February 21st, 2021, 12:01:34 AM
Hi, just got what I believe are Leedy bells. Can I send a picture to verify? Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi John, thanks for contacting us. Yes you can email us at info@malletshop.com We'll help you figure out what you have. Best - sw
Saturday, February 20th, 2021, 11:46:01 AM
I have a Deagan No. 1706 xylophone that's been in the family for years. If you are interested I can send photos.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Ed, thanks for contacting us. You can email us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll look at its condition and see what we can do to help bring this back to life.
Monday, January 18th, 2021, 4:33:28 PM
I’m looking for the small Deagan eye hooks that need replacing. It was made during WWII as it has 1”cardboard resonators. I need all 72 hooks to replace. From you blog it sounds like I might be able to purchase them from you. Or if not, give me an alternative.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Beverly, you can get them from one of our restorers directly. Just send us an email (info@malletshop.com) and we'll get you in contact with him. - sw
Mark Austill
Saturday, January 9th, 2021, 3:24:08 PM
I need to refinish the bars on my Model 870 Deagan xylophone. What type of finish was used on the "Nagaed" bars originally by Deagan (shellac, varnish, danish oil, etc.)?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mark- thanks for contacting us. The early bars were lacquered. Later they were bleached and stained for uniform coloring. Hope this answers you question, best - sw
John Randolph
Sunday, December 13th, 2020, 6:49:00 PM
I inherited a set of organ chimes, and it seems the frame is incomplete, so I'm looking for a picture of the frame to get an idea of what's missing. I've only found a few pictures online, and none show the frame in detail.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello John, thanks for contacting us. If you can send us photos of what you have, (organ vs aluminum chimes) we can dig up some photos for you. Hope this helps - sw
Steve Adleman
Saturday, December 12th, 2020, 7:21:53 AM
I just got a leedy case vibraphone, probably just like the one mike martini has. bars are very funky, motor/speed control missing. I'm thinking I should probably NOT clean/polish the bars or do much restoration to preserve the patina? would love to see mikes pics to see what the motor/speed control looks like. is there any way to find replacement parts? the damper is very odd also, the bars are free to ring until you hit the damper bar, the opposite of what a footpedal does. probably good for pit work, maybe not for jazz?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Steve thanks for contacting us. You could use Flitz or any other non-abrasive metal cleaner or as you say, leave it alone if you like the patina. We can make replacement parts in most cases, or use original parts from instruments that come in which are retained as 'part instruments'. Once you know what you need, email us at info@malletshop.com and we'll see what we can do to help you out. best - sw
Teresa M Craighead
Saturday, December 5th, 2020, 3:32:45 PM
Shannon, We have an old Vibraharp that we must ship to another part of the country in a wooden crate via U-Haul's U-Box service. My father custom-made the crate for the instrument, so we know it fits. It appears that the legs of the Vibraharp can be easily unbolted and removed. It is not as obvious how to safely remove the footpedal and cable. Do you have any insights?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Teresa, thank you for contacting us. The foot pedal should have a spring that connects the upper linkage rod to the dampner bar. This would need to be unhooked. Each model varies but that is a general method for disconnecting a pedal. If you have photos/model you can email us at info@malletshop.com and we can reply with a more specific answer if needed. Best, - sw
Gerald Swift
Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, 1:33:02 AM
Today I was given a box of Deagan model 870 bars with one support rack and resonators. I plan to restore this and will need your help. First I would like to clean the bars. What product and Brand do you recommend . Thanks
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Gerald, Thanks for contacting us. I would recommend using lemon oil to clean the bars (once a year) and then just a clean, dry cotton cloth for periodic cleaning. Hope this helps, - sw
K. Jake Warren
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020, 3:50:58 PM
Good morning. I was gifted an OLD Deagan, 2 octave (resin) xylophone. I am in the process of restoring it, and in need of a part. The Serial # is 25103. I can find the rubber grommets everywhere... but the Eye Hooks they go into??? No where to be found. I need 4-8 of them, as I have a couple that were bent beyond repair (at least one snapped in half). So I was checking to see if you have any leads on where I might track a few of these down. Thank you in advance, for ANY info you may provide. I hope all is well, and please have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!! KJ PS I'm emailing you as well (as I found the address below in comments.) :)
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello KJ, thanks for contacting us. We sell these. Email us at info@malletshop.com and we'll help you out! Best - sw
Monday, November 16th, 2020, 4:47:35 PM
Hello there! I am trying to find out some information on a marimba that my boss recently acquired. The instrument is 4 octaves and has raised accidentals. My boss believes this is a Leedy, but I am struggling to find out any more information on it. Hoping someone here could help!!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello DJ - thanks for contacting us. Can you email us photos at info@malletshop.com ? We'll help determine what you have and guide you in anyway needed. Best - sw
Friday, October 30th, 2020, 4:42:23 AM
I have inherited an old vibraphone that I am trying to get parts for. There's no label on it anywhere and it's been worked on multiple times it seems. Here is a link to some photos I took of it. I am looking for a pulley and a pair of belts for it. The existing pulley is 1 inch diameter in the groove, and is attached by set screw to a 1/4 inch shaft. Any ideas what this thing is and what parts might fit? http://imgur.com/gallery/4WmDx0K
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Yttermayn: It's difficult to see detail from the 3 photos, but it could be a Leedy with a number of after-market, custom made fixtures making it a challenge to decipher. Send us an email at info@malletshop.com and we can point you in the right direction for some parts. - sw
Don S Godwin Jr
Sunday, October 18th, 2020, 7:00:44 PM
hi! my wife has a Deagan Diana Model 652 4 octave in fantastic shape that we're getting ready to sell... we're trying to figure out the year, and the wood type of the keys as they look darker than any of the others we've found in our research. Would you mind if I sent you a photo of the instrument? It's serial number 6437. Thanks so much!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Don - thanks for contacting us. It's Honduran rosewood. Some of the stains Deagan used were darker and on the Imperial, Diana you do see darker stains. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Logan Deerey
Wednesday, October 7th, 2020, 1:03:39 AM
Hello, I own an old WWII era Deagan no. 36. wondering if anyone knows anything about them, or if someone is interested in buying it. rosewood bars are in great condition for their age. the only thing wrong is that one or two of the resonators are damaged because they are practically cardboard (because of the metal shortage in WWII). if someone has a rough estimate of its value as well that would be great. thank you!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Logan, thank you for contacting us. During WWII many of the factories had to use different materials during the metal ration and so most of the No. 36 models do have condensed fiber (cardboard) resonators. The frames are all wood and the bars are fairly narrow. Some owners must have had their instruments either upgraded to metal resonators at a later point or the models after before or after the war were manufactured with metal resonators, because we do find them, although most have the condensed fiber resonators. If you'd like to email us directly at info@malletshop.com we can discuss value/options etc. Thank you - Shannon
Phillip Long
Monday, September 28th, 2020, 5:37:44 PM
do you have or can you make a replacement marimbaphone (steel marimba) bar? Thank you!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Phillip, you can contact us by email (info@malletshop.com) and we can help you get a replacement bar. Best - sw
Monday, August 24th, 2020, 4:55:16 PM
Hi, I just sent you an email about my Deagan Xylophone. I hope you can help me out. Hans
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Hans, we didn't receive an email from you re: a xylophone. Did you email us at info@malletshop.com
Howie Banfield
Sunday, August 23rd, 2020, 2:51:08 PM
Do you have a Jenco Celeste? Thanks
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Howie, yes we do have a Jenco Celesta. The model we have currently is the 4 octave upright. You can find it on the site under celesta. Let me know if you would like to purchase it. - sw
Glen Brown
Saturday, August 15th, 2020, 11:16:39 PM
I have a 335 Deagan 3 octave FF Marimba. I looking for replacement grommets . Do you know of a source for these. Thanks.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Glen, you can contact us by email <info@malletshop.com> and we'll help you out -sw
Randy Watkins
Tuesday, July 21st, 2020, 4:13:43 PM
Hello Mr. Wood, have a question about a marimba. I currently own an old Deagan 335, 3-octave F-F, marimba, it has served me well. I've used it in church, a pit orchestra and for practicing. I have an opportunity to purchase a Leedy #5614, 4 octave C-C. I'm going to have a look at it this week. I haven't been able to find out much about this instrument. The bars look wide and graduated. The frame folds for transport? I will take a tuner on my I-Pad to check the pitch when I look at it. One bar has S-914 on the bottom? Any info you could provide would be appreciated. If in good condition est. market value? Thanks...Randy Watkins-down in Texas
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Randy - the 5614 is a marimba if I remember correctly. I'm not at my office this week to confirm with catalogues. The serial number wouldn't give you any info since those records are long gone. Value is always tricky to pin down without seeing photos, knowing if all parts are original, and if any work has been done previously and by whom. If you acquire photos, I'd be happy to help. Best - sw
Tamara A Moritz
Thursday, July 9th, 2020, 7:44:45 PM
We have a Leedy Model 641 Serial Number 2076 Xylophone as part of an Estate. We wish to sell it. Do you have an idea of value, and where we should market it?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Tamara - thank you for contacting us. Can you email us at info@malletshop.com We can help assist you and may possibly be interested in purchasing it outright. Best - sw
Rob Guth
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020, 2:29:32 AM
We inherited a Degan Jr. 801 with original stand. All the parts are there. The felts between keys will need to be remade. My issue is with assembly. If I match the stamped numbers on the crossbars to the stamped numbers on the left most (longest) end bar, the eyelets don't seem to match up and the keys are not straight which makes it hard to align the sharps in the normal pattern. The eyelets don't seem to have been moved. A couple of other questions since I am a guitar/piano player and haven't dealt with percussion instruments before: 1) How high should the eyelets be above the felt runner? 2) How tight should the coated cotton twine be? I expected a tension spring but these are just tied together at the ends. 3) Should the keys be suspended above the felt runner or sit on it? The stock stand is a bit whimpy and I am considering building a custom wood stand which will look better in our musical instrument room. Any other tips for setting this up? BTW if any other readers here need measurements for the key bars, let me know and I will take them and send pictures.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Rob, can you send us a photo of your xylophone and how you have it set up? It's hard for me to picture what you're describing. I can send you a photo of how it should be set up. The height of the bar is just enough to clear the felt runner. If they are eyelets, they usually barely rest on felt. If they are posts, they do rest on felt. The string should be tight so keep the bars from moving around. Taut will suffice. I'll look out for your email response. - sw
Ted Vaillant
Monday, June 22nd, 2020, 6:17:54 PM
I have a vibraphonette that i am planning to refurbish...the biggest hurdle i have is the fact that the motor is burned out...It is too expensive to rebuild the motor and in chatting with a electric motor shop they wondered what the rpm of the original motor was....how do I find out this info......what size of grommets would be used in restringing...
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Ted, the best avenue for a motor replacement is to find a comparable wattage / hp and size. I'd check with some small fan motor companies. You can possibly send it in and we could see if it's repairable but a local motor / small engine or even fan repair company could do the same. As far as grommets, string etc you can contact us by email and we'll point you in the right direction. Have you seen our re-design, Gigster - check out the site?
Sunday, June 14th, 2020, 2:47:42 AM
Do you purchase parts? We have pipe organ (parts) and wondered if you'd be interested in any of the bars.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Angelo, yes we do. You can contact us directly at info@malletshop.com We use these bars for Deagan Parsifal restoration projects and also for custom Parsifal fabrications. Best - sw
Friday, June 12th, 2020, 7:30:29 PM
We have a vintage Leedy xylophone that has been in the family for generations. Are you able to give us some information on it?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Janet, we'd be happy to help determine what you have. We specialize in vintage Deagan and Leedy instrument sales and preserving their legacy through restoration and preservation. Send us an email info@malletshop.com
Monday, April 27th, 2020, 10:55:56 PM
Hi Shannon, I'm in the middle of building a functional xylophone based on some parts I have between a Deagan 801 Jr. and an 830 Master Lite Wate. I'll most likely need to replace all of the posts unless I can find enough of one of the kinds originally used, the 801 uses the open eye holes and the 830 uses round pegs. Happen to know of any cheap alternatives? Thanks.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mitch - shoot us an email at info@malletshop.com and we'll help set you up with post replacements.
Heather West
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, 12:23:03 AM
Hi Shannon, I have a Deagan Marimba with three missing wooden keys. Would you know where I could find some suitable replacement keys for it? Thanks, Heather
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Heather, thanks for contacting us. We may have replacement bars in stock depending on your model marimba. Otherwise we can make bars to match from old stock. Email us at info@malletshop.com
Kurtis Hirschfeld
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020, 4:37:23 AM
Hello, Hello, I came across what appears to be a Patrician Chime Set in an auction from a musical studio. The 21 gold/brass tubes were wrapped in blankets. One has the JC Deagan stamp on it. They are in great shape. No dents, scratches or cracks. It appears I may have also found the hanging box with it?? Looks like it was part of something else as it has wires and dampers in it. I have had no luck finding much on this. Can you help me figure out what I have and how to find any documentation? A model? It would be appreciated. I will send pics of what I have if you like. Thanks Kurt
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Kurtis Thanks for contacting us. I believe you sent us photos directly via our site. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
john n leister
Thursday, March 19th, 2020, 5:14:50 PM
Hi Shannon. I recently purchased a Leedy 4 octave marimba in great shape. The only challenge is that the upper register is sagging in the middle so that some of the bars ("black keys")hit other bars ("white keys")and can not ring freely. Thank you very much for your assistance!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello John, thanks for contacting us. The tabs on the brackets of Leedy key-beds usually break off, bend or wear in such a way that they no longer support the weight causing sags. Most likely this is what has happened. You can try using a shim or send in the resonators for repair but most likely we'd need the instrument to make sure clearance is accurate to avoid shipping back a set of resonators that still sag. This is the likely issue. Hope this helps. - sw
Tuesday, February 25th, 2020, 3:28:17 AM
Hello Shannon, I just acquired a Deagon Model 40 marimba. It is in good shape with the original cases. I have the serial number and am curious when it was made and how many of this model were made. Where can I find this information? I will also need to replace the insulators as they are cracked (dry rotted). I just got it home tonight and want to put it together. Should I wait on new insulators before setting it up? It was originally from the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (each case has stickers from the school). The gal I bought it from has had it since the 50's. She was a serious young marimbist and her parents bought it from the college when she was ready to move up to a larger instrument. So cool!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Laurel: The Deagan No. 40 is a "Diana" 4 octave made between 1939-42. There isn't a record that still exists of the number made but there were many during those 4 years. You can set it up and replace the insulators afterwards. I'll email you info on where to acquire insulators. - sw
Tuesday, February 18th, 2020, 4:03:41 AM
Hi Shannon, I just acquired a 2.5 octave Jenco Marimba, which was quite badly abused in a school band and left in a corner for years! In sanding down the frame I've noticed the grain on the wood has a fair amount of green in the grain. Would you know what type of wood was used for these frames? I've never seen anything like it and it's quite beautiful.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Barbara, I believe the wood is maple. I would suggest bringing a rail into a wood shop / supplier and they can easily determine the wood by looking at its grain. Hope this helps.
Neil Flannigan
Sunday, February 16th, 2020, 5:10:55 PM
Hi Shannon, I just acquired an old graduated (not pit) Jenco vibraphone and I’m looking for parts. It is missing its original frame (which I will build myself), pedal and damper bar. Given the history between Jenco and musser, do you know if the musser damper bar and assembly would work for this instrument? Thanks for your help!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Neil - thanks for contacting us. The Musser bars have a different graduation than the Jenco's so most likely the parts would not be interchangeable. However we may have some used parts that might work for you. I'll send you an email directly. - sw
Monday, January 20th, 2020, 4:09:06 PM
Thanks! We aren't super concerned about value, as it's a family heirloom we intend to use, enjoy, & pass down. I was just thinking in general terms of any secrets tips to make cleaning it easier :) We found in it a family members dirt cellar, left there for unknown number of years since he was no longer able to get down the stairs. Unfortunately no one has the story on how it came to us. Do you have any info on why they would have multiple date stamps?
Shannon Wood's Response:In general use a non-abrasive metal cleaner for the resonators & rack (like Flitz or the like), and for the bars once a year you can use lemon oil. You can otherwise use a damp cloth to wipe dust from bars. I would not attempt re-tuning them. The key-beds can be cleaned with lemon oil. The date stamps are only patent dates. Serial numbers on any tag you might find are obsolete since the original books are not accessible. The model number however would give an indication of what you have for example No. 872. It's engraved on the lowest (longest) bar and is also stamped on the ends of the resonator rails at the low end, and on the 'dog' tags which if present would be on the end piece (low end). Hope this helps - sw
Sunday, January 19th, 2020, 10:37:02 PM
We inherited a Deagan Klyposerus xylophone. On the same key that hastge Klyposerus logo stamped, it has 4 dates stamps on the other end. Can't read them all entirely but different dates in/around 1905. The keys were painted over at some point. We are in the process of removing the paint and next want to clean up the stand and resonators. Any special info or advice on restoring would be greatly appreciated!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Michelle, thanks for contacting us. The restoration process is a very detailed, lengthy process which involves skilled artisan work. It would be difficult to write out all the steps involved and the materials/treatments/finished used for each component. I would recommend having this done by a skilled restorer to avoid devaluing the instrument. If you need recommendations, we can recommend several sources depending on your location. Best - sw
Hernan Manalastas
Tuesday, December 24th, 2019, 8:25:37 PM
Hi May I know how much is the timpani symphony model WFL ludwig size 32? Here's my email renanmanalastas@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Hernan - I'll email you info! best - sw
Rob Cossom
Thursday, December 19th, 2019, 6:37:38 AM
Hi Shannon - I've found a Jenco vibe, graduated bars 2" - 1 1/2". The frame is in good condition however the previous owner has powder-coated the bars and they are now fairly useless - very out of tune (sharp) and with reduced resonance. I've been advised that the bars are unable to be brought down to concert pitch. Do you think you could find me a set of replacement bars? They need not necessarily be Jenco bars - I just need a good set and another brand would be fine (I think that possibly Deagan Aurora bars would work) or I'd even consider commissioning new bars. Thanks.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Rob: I'm curious who suggested that the bars would not be able to be brought down to concert pitch. Re: Aurora or like bars - we would need that set to see if the lengths, width and nodal points line up. RE: commissioning a set - it can be expensive making bars from scratch - $1,200-1,500. It might be better to trade-in what you have as 'parts' towards the purchase of something we have so you retain value. The Jenco in general are less desirable and you may be better off trading it in towards the Jenco we already have ready to go or a Deagan on the site. - sw
Shelly Campbell
Friday, December 13th, 2019, 11:36:46 PM
Hi Shannon- I'm restoring a Deagan Vibraharp #510, and can't seem to find replacement parts for the eighty-seven (87) bar holders, which look like basic eye screws with rubber grommets—but, none of my suppliers have eye screws that even come close to the originals (I've tried McMaster Carr, Grainger, MSC, etc). Any idea who would carry this hardware? Thanks much! -Shelly Campbell St Paul, Minnesota 651-769-4280
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Shelly, we can get you a pack of these. Email us at info@malletshop.com We often change these out for open hole posts. Have you considered this? - sw
Mike Martini
Saturday, December 7th, 2019, 2:43:09 AM
I recently acquired a Leedy vibraphone. It is all self contained in a wooden case. 2 1/2 octave. It appears pretty old, as it has the original cloth covered wiring. It is missing the belts and motor, everything else seems intact. Embossed brass plate with speed control located in bottom right corner. I’m not certain which model it is, as I haven’t yet found a model number. Damper bar located at center bottom. Is portable with handle (also needs replaced) Has latching lid. How would I obtain the parts to have this restored back to original condition? And what can you tell me about this unit. Thank you very much.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mike, sounds like you might have a glockenspiel. Can you email us photos (info@malletshop.com)? Once we receive photos, we can see its condition more closely and help direct you better. - sw
Mitch Fure
Monday, October 28th, 2019, 8:39:05 PM
Hi, I'm trying to fix a Leedy Xylorimba that is sagging in the middle, to the point where the keys touch the frame. Do I just need to make a bracket to hold it together without sagging? Seems like it may impede ability to move the instrument but at least would make it playable. Do you have some thoughts?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mitch These brackets tend to wear causing the sagging you are experiencing. You can put some felt between the keybeds to keep them from buckling or under the bracket to lift it upward. That would be the quickest and easiest way to fix this.
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019, 2:11:36 AM
We picked up a Deagan Model 40 a while ago and it's in really good original condition apart from the insulators; they've all dry rotted. I'm assuming the insulators are rubber, but it's hard to determine what the thickness of the originals would have been. Is there a specific size and material you would recommend? How much play should there be between the bar and the insulator? Also, is the value of this instrument affected by the originality of the frame's and stand's finish? The gold finish is in pretty nice shape for it's age, but it wouldn't be my first choice if I had to choose a color. We don't plan on changing it, but it would be nice to know if it's more valuable if it's all original. Thank you.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI David, thanks for contacting us via M-Blog. Insulators are often dried out after all these years, but they are easily replaced. Email us at info@malletshop.com and we'll get some sent out to you. The value would alter if you changed the original coloring. We restore to spec to retain value. Even so it may not be much of an impact to a non-collector or non Deagan afishionado. If you plan on keeping it, and the refinishing is quality work, I wouldn't worry too much. If your plan is to sell it, I'd recommend restoring it to original specs. Hope this helps, - sw
Friday, October 4th, 2019, 2:22:07 PM
Thanks for all that information, it really helps! What are the years these older alloys were used? I find most modern Yamahas, Mussers, etc. to be very cold and pingy sounding, which I don't like (I'm more after a 60s-70s Bobby Hutcherson kind of vibe(s)).
Shannon Wood's Response:Pre-80's. The earlier models from the late 20's-50's are even more special.
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019, 8:43:23 PM
Hi, Great looking website, congrats! Could you please elaborate on a few vibraphone topics: - graduated vs ungraduated bars - same size bars set vs various size bars set - Deagan vs Jenco vs ... what are the differences in tonal character? - motor repair: is that usually realistic? Thanks!
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Pascal, thank you for the compliments. 1. Graduated bars refers to a wide bar at the low end, graduating in various increments to a narrower bar width at the top end. Ungraduated, or uniform bars, have the same width throughout. 2. As far as same size bars vs various size bars, the size of the bar is really a personal choice. The smaller the bar size, the smaller the instrument which can be more transport friendly, conversely the large size bar instruments can be more cumbersome to transport. The large bar does provide more volume. If you are amplifying your instrument, it may be a moot point. The larger size bar also may help with accuracy as the smaller bar is a smaller target. 3. The tonal differences between the brands and models greatly vary. In general, the older alloy has warmth and cutting edge due to the alloy used at the time. The vintage Musser, Leedy, Deagan and Jenco sound different compared to the later year models due to this alloy variance. The later models tend to sound more mellow, warm without the cutting edge of the earlier models. 4. Repairing motors is practical and possible. We do replace them when needed but we often have them repaired if able.
David Alan Sander
Saturday, September 14th, 2019, 2:40:19 PM
Deagan xylophone keys are made of what wood? Leedy xylophones bars are made from what wood?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI David, thanks for contacting us. Deagan used both Honduran Rosewood and Cocobolo. Leedy used Honduran Rosewood. There may be some other woods each company used on some specific models but these two woods were the most prominent woods used.
Saturday, August 17th, 2019, 8:47:22 AM
My brother is aging and has a Deagan xylophone I'm helping him sell. Can you assist?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Gene, sure just send us photos and we'll see what you have, help evaluate it and review several next steps for you to consider.
Saturday, August 3rd, 2019, 3:34:13 PM
We have a Deagan glockenspiel and Leedy xylophone that my grandmother used to play. It's been in our uncle's attic collecting dust for years. We just had a family reunion and revisited memories of her playing and we decided to go scout out the instruments in the attic. They look just as they did when she played them. Can you send you photos?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mack, yes you can send us photos of both your vintage Deagan glockenspiel and vintage Leedy xylophone and we'll help determine what you have as well as value. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Aaron Markley
Sunday, July 14th, 2019, 6:30:25 PM
Hello, I have a Deagan 592 Vibraphone I'm curious if you might be able to ballpark an appraisal for. Happy to send some photos, if you give me an email to send them to. Thank you!
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Aaron, thanks for contacting us. Send us photos and we'll estimate value for you. Our email is info@malletshop.com - sw
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019, 6:41:20 PM
I just purchased a used Marimba from my sons school because he’s taking marimba lessons and only wanted $100. I have to restring it before he can play but it’s in rough shape and has had some poor repair work done on it on the frames and stand. One key says it’s a Deagan 350 and has various patent dates listed on it but another key says Nagaed with different patent dates. Unfortunately one of the repairs was to the frame where the name plate was so I have no idea what model it really is. I’m interested in knowing if it’s even worth restoring.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Daniel, thank you for contacting us. No. 350 is a model number so most likely it is a No. 350 since the bar is marked, but it could have been interchanged with other parts, hard to know without seeing it. See link here https://www.malletshop.com/deagan-archives/deagan-marimbas But more to the point, a No. 350 restored is worth about $1,000-1,200. It's a 3 octave F-F, small range in comparison to today's standard which is a 5 octave. If your plan is to keep it, then restoring it for your own uses makes sense to persevere its longevity however it would most likely cost more than its value for a complete restoration. If your concern is to not be upside down at a later point so you could sell it, restoring it wouldn't make sense. Feel free to email us directly if you want to talk about it in more detail. - sw
Saturday, June 1st, 2019, 12:19:35 AM
Hello, I have a Leedy model 641. What is the date range? Please and thank you.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Tim, thanks for contacting us. The Leedy No. 641 was a Solo-Tone series marimba that was first advertised in a 1917 Leedy Catalog I and last advertised in Catalog R from 1928. The serial number would indicate the year within that range but those records are not available any longer. So your marimba would be from 1917-1928. Hope this helps.
Monday, May 20th, 2019, 1:02:21 AM
My mother-in-law has a xylophone with metal bars. It says no 561 Deagan. Any interest?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Alfonso, thank you for contacting us via our M-Blog. If the number on the tone bar is 561 this would be a glockenspiel. We would be interested. Please send us photos and we can confirm and discuss purchasing these from you directly.
Robert Zollars
Tuesday, May 14th, 2019, 12:59:44 AM
Hello Shannon, I own an old Leedy, made in Elkart, 4 octave marimba. Tuning is good, and this a completely unrestored original instrument. My guess is postwar vintage, with aluminum resonators. I purchased it in 1981 as a practice instrument. I'm wondering if you could help with a value as I am now retired and need to downsize. I will send photos. Thanks
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Robert, thanks for contacting us. Send us photos and we'll be happy to help evaluate your marimba.
Rob Wright
Friday, May 10th, 2019, 2:31:04 AM
Hi Shannon: My dad was a percussionist/drummer who passed away a few years ago. Among the items he left to me were his circa 1930 Leedy vibraphone. yhey were still 100% functional when he died but i had to disassemble them to take them out of his place when my mom died late last year. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind me asking. 1. What is their approximate value? 2. Are you interested or do you know anyone who is? 3. Is there a pdf manual around that might show the various parts and assembly instructions as i will likely need to get them up and running in order to sell them. Thanks so much in advance, Robert Wright 57 Kitty Murray Lane Ancaster, Ontario L9K 1H7
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Robert, thanks for contacting us. Could you email us photos? Value is contingent on model, condition as well as history of work. Photos would help detail much of this. Send us an email and we'll go from there. Thanks - Shannon
Monday, May 6th, 2019, 7:45:42 PM
I have vintage leedy marimba.1934??? 1 of 25 made??? Looking for price estimate.
Shannon Wood's Response:Thanks for contacting us Michael. Can you send us photos of your Leedy marimba and its history? You can email them @ info@malletshop.com
Sally Vogel
Sunday, April 14th, 2019, 10:57:02 PM
I have a set of Deagan pipe organ bars from an old theatre organ. These are glockenspiel bars. Are they worth anything?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Sally, thank you for your inquiry. We use these bars for fabrication projects. Send us photos and we'll determine exactly what you have.
Thursday, April 11th, 2019, 2:31:27 AM
Hi Shannon, I have an old Ludwig vibraphone. I was able to get the motor working and the damper felt replaced. The main interesting feature of this instrument is that the accidentals are higher than the natural bars. (The same as would be on a xylophone or marimba) Also the entire instrument can tip towards the player. I assume it was meant for a pit percussion set up. Have you run into one of these before? Do you know what range the value of these instruments are? It is in very good condition. Thanks
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Grayson, I have seen these in the past. They were made circa 40's. What size bar width do you have? Is the range a 3 octave F-F? If you have photos, please send them and we can help evaluate it for you.
Brian Monroe
Thursday, March 28th, 2019, 7:02:32 PM
Hi Shannon, I'm doing research on Leedy instruments. I know their first Vibraphone was a 42A or 42B which were metal bars, what was their first one with Aluminum Bars?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Brian, Leedy revamped their vibraphone in 1929 with aluminum bars and a dampner pedal. I believe it was a model 5650.
Sunday, March 3rd, 2019, 4:48:54 AM
Some friends have been cleaning out their parents’ home and found a Deagan 590 Vibraharp. It has been stored in its cases in their attic for quite some time. We’d like to pay a fair price, but have no idea of its worth. We’re hoping you might be able to help.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Kendra, thanks for contacting us. The No. 590 is an Imperial Nocturne from the 50's. It is always challenging to guess values without seeing an instrument either in person or via photos but we sell this model restored (retuned, refinished, new motor, insulators/springs/string) in top mechanical condition between $4,200-5,500 depending on how it comes out. Generally we pay between $1,200-1,800 for them "as-is" prior restoration. If it is in all original condition, excellent shape, no rust/oxidation/discoloring and the motor works and is quiet, you could pay up to $3,500 +/- for it with cases. It's possible it could see a higher price if it was mint and well preserved. If you email us photos, we can go into more detail otherwise hopefully this is a good guide for you. Best - sw
Thursday, February 28th, 2019, 12:18:08 PM
I'm letting go of my Deagan 145. Curious about the value and whether or not you would be interested.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Glenn -- thanks for contacting us. Could you email us photos to info@malletshop.com We'll view your photos, condition and get a sense of its value. We do purchase outright for restoration. Look forward to your response. - Shannon
Monday, February 11th, 2019, 6:12:43 PM
Had to replace the oyster. Fall creek marimbas. No bar issues. I thought around 2500 also. However, it is getting more difficult to find these older marimbas. I think they sound better, but that may just be me. However all the literature now is for 5 octaves. So everyone wants one of those. But it kind of killed off marimba performances except for solo concert hall stuff. I’m trying to develop a Jazz reperatoire that could be done on just 4 octaves. Plus, you can take it to a club.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Kurt - if you need anything further let us know.
Monday, February 11th, 2019, 1:26:05 AM
Leedy Marimba. 4 octave. 5604 royal marimba. 1937. Bars refinished, retuned, new silver plating. Completely restored. Amazing sound. What’s it worth?
Shannon Wood's Response:Hi Kurt, thanks for contacting us. Does your No 5604 have the oyster finish? Assuming it is in restored, original oyster finish and in beautiful condition, its value would be somewhere between the mid $2k range and $3k provided the bars are very clean, no indentations or repair splinter work, and only one tuning post original tuning. This is contingent on who did the restoration work and tuning as well as the quality or their work and trueness to original specs. Hope this information is useful. You can email us directly if you have any further questions or would like assistance in selling it. Best - sw
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019, 3:17:33 PM
Are you interested in a vintage Leedy vibraphone? It is pretty worn but it would be nice to see it restored and appreciated by someone.
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Andy, glad you found us via our M Blog. Yes we'd be very interesting in seeing which vintage Leedy vibraphone you have. We specialize in the restoration and preservation of these vintage Leedy instruments. Looking forward to your photos.
Mark Anderson
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019, 3:10:35 PM
Are you at all interested in an old vintage Deagan glockenspiel? We found it at a pawn shop, looked interesting so we bought it.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Mark, definitely. Send some photos our way and we'll see what you have exactly.
Sandy May
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019, 3:09:01 PM
I have a vintage Deagan but I'm not sure if it's a xylophone or a marimba. Can you help? We'd like to find a good home for it.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Sandy, thank you for contacting us. Please send us photos, I'd be happy to view what you have and we'll certainly find a good home for it. Our mission is to preserve the legacy of these vintage instruments and find new homes for them.
Monday, January 28th, 2019, 1:53:49 AM
I have recently acquired a vintage Ludwig xylophone. There is a marking, "8-810". The bars are all present and in good condition, but the accidentals not strung and there are pins missing. I can't find any information on Ludwig xylophones. Is it worth restoring?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Lisa, thanks for contacting us. Can you send us photos? This will help identify what range instrument you have and help determine the best plan of action. You can email us at info@malletshop.com
James Leaman
Thursday, January 24th, 2019, 6:08:16 PM
I have a very old Deagan marimba-xylophone, no. 4720 in the Deagan catalog. It needs some work, but the bars are in decent shape. I can send pictures. I would like to sell this if you are interested. I live in northwest Ohio. Thanks.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI James, thank you for contacting us. Glad you found us via M-Blog. Please do send us photos info@malletshop.com We'll take a look at condition et al and give you an idea of value. Thank you - sw
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019, 1:39:47 AM
Do you have any use for a Deagan frame? We found a frame without any other parts to a Deagan marimba or xylophone.
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Alice, thanks for contacting us via our Blog. We do re-purpose Deagan racks. I'm curious whether it's a wheel-less rack - "A" frame or wheel rack. Please send us photos at info@malletshop.com and we'll see what you have exactly. It could be a xylophone, marimba or even glockenspiel rack.
Friday, January 18th, 2019, 3:36:49 PM
I found a Deagan instrument at local garage sale. It says No. 928, Professional Xylophone. Would you be interested in this?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Jack, thanks for contacting us. The Deagan No. 928 is a wonderful xylophone. Yes, please do send us photos. We'll evaluate it and make an offer. We specialize in restoration and preservation of Deagan vintage instruments and find new homes for them.
Adam Pierce
Thursday, January 10th, 2019, 2:36:36 PM
Dear M Blog - I have a Deagan No. 3117 xylophone I bought years ago while in school. Based on your Deagan Archive is looks to be a De Luxe low pitch. I no longer play and have no use for it. It's in original condition, never retuned, all intact. What is it worth?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Adam, very cool. We rarely come across the De Luxe vintage Deagan xylophones. Send us photos and we'll give you a ballpark figure of its value in its present "as-is" condition.
Cindy Ellert
Tuesday, January 8th, 2019, 7:43:58 PM
Hey, we have a Leedy xylophone that my grandmother owned and we'd love to know more about it. Can you help?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Cindy, thank you for contacting us via our M Blog. We'd be happy to view photos to help you identity what model vintage Leedy xylophone you might have. We'll await your photos.
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019, 2:28:13 AM
We've had this old xylophone in our attic for years. It belonged to my grandfather who played Vaudeville shows. It has curved bars and each rack spins or tilts. Not sure what you call this but would you be interested in finding a home for it? It's time...
Shannon Wood's Response:Hello Jerry, we would be happy to help identify the vintage xylophone you have. It sounds like it might be a vintage Deagan marimbaphone. Please send us photos.
Jim Chancey
Sunday, December 30th, 2018, 3:09:38 PM
Hello, we found a little keyboard at a local flea market. The bars are metal, looks a bit like the bell set you have on your site. There's a marking on one of the bars "Deagan Parsifals". The rack is a bit rusty but the rest looks good. Would you be interested in this?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Jim, thanks for your M Blog comment. Yes we would be interested in this particular instrument. Please send us photos and we'll help you determine what you have exactly. We specialize in the restoration and preservation of these wonderful instruments so they can be heard for many more years to come.
Sue Beck
Friday, December 28th, 2018, 2:41:53 PM
We found a xylophone at a garage sale this past week on our street. It looked interesting so I bought it. There is an engraved stamp on a bar that says Leedy No. 5616 but I'm not sure if I'm reading it correctly. Can you provide any help?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Sue, yes we can. I'll contact you directly and we'll review what you have in mind for your newly found Leedy xylophone and how we might be able to assist.
Thursday, December 27th, 2018, 10:26:01 PM
I have a Deagan xylophone that has been in the family for many, many years. We brought it down from the attic this Christmas with the entire family in town to look at it and decide what to do with it. We would like it to go to a good home but aren't sure how to go about that. It says Nagaed No. 872. Are you able to help?
Shannon Wood's Response:HI Dave, thanks for contacting us. Glad you found us through our M-Blog. We specialize in preserving the legacy of these vintage instruments through minimal servicing to full restorations. We find new homes as well ranging from individuals to symphonic settings, studios, educational institutions, private collections etc. I'll send you an email directly and we can consider several avenues for you to help you decide what is best for you and your family.